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D3300 fx或dx


zol中关村在线提供尼康d3300系列数码相机所有单品的型号、报价、配置、评测、行情、图片、论坛、点评、视频、驱动下载等内容,以及尼康d3300系列数码相机的经销商报价,为您购买尼康d3300数码相机提供全面的参考 尼康发布全新DX格式数码单反相机D3300 及配套镜头AF-S DX尼克尔18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VRⅡ. 2014年1月7日,尼康公司全球同步推出最新的入门级DX格式数码单反相机D3300,同时推出一款小巧轻便的标准变焦镜头AF-S DX尼克尔18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VRⅡ,所覆盖焦距范围为18-55mm。 Most DX lenses which you can buy for D3300 are compatible on DX cameras. Cost may be a restraining factor, but if you will like to grow your photography career, it is a worthy investment. FX – Mount that fits and works perfectly with all Nikon DSLR cameras Having made such a substandard performer as their DX series $199 35mm Nikkor for several yesrs, they found it impossible to sell their -----new $700 f/1.8 35mm---- lens, with any success. Too much confusion with the junky DX-Nikkor 35 mm lens and the new,high-grade lens designed for high performance on Nikon full frames. D3300 + AF-P DX 18-55 VR. Kit met veelzijdig zoomobjectief voor geweldige alledaagse fotografie. De kit bestaat uit de zwarte D3300-camera en het compacte AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR-objectief. Het objectief in deze kit stelt vrijwel geluidloos snel en vloeiend scherp waardoor het de perfecte partner voor het opnemen van films is.

CES 2014:尼康 D3300+ DX 18-55 /3.5-5.6G VRⅡ-影像中国网-中国 …

WOW. Such diverse answers. First, stay with Nikon. Their cameras are constructed better than Canon. I will get mail on that one but it is factual, not an opinion. As for the Canon 1200D, it is a nice camera but picture quality and ease of use is t 尼康dx 格式;焦距相当于fx 格式视角镜头的约1.5 倍 • 矩阵或中央重点测光:0 至20 ev • 点测光:2 至20ev. d3300; 产品介绍. 数码单反相机 D3300 upgrade to DX or FX Aug 15, 2017 Hi! Recently I've been wanting to upgrade my d3300. However I've got a few lenses right now that I preferably would like to keep using with my new dslr. These are the 18-55mm kit lens, 35mm 1.8 DX, 50mm 1.4f ai-s,105mm 2.5f ai-s and a 8mm samyang fisheye. Actually, FX lenses (those designed for full frame camera sensors), can still work well on DX camera bodies like the D3300 but – you just have to remember that using FX lenses on DX bodies results in a multiplier effect of 1.5 x, effectively extending the focal length of the lens.

尼康d3x支持的图片格式有:jpeg,raw,jpeg+raw,tiff。 尼康d3x是一款fx格式全画幅 单反 数码相机,装载了领先的51点自动对焦系统,同时相机拥有一个可视角为170度92万像素的3.0英寸液晶屏幕。 尼康d3x的cmos尺寸为35.9x24mm,有效像素数高达2450万(6048x4032),支持5:4和dx两种裁切模式,像素数分别为2040万

尼康公司榮譽宣佈推出最新的入門級dx格式數位單眼相機d3300,同時推出一款小巧輕便的標準變焦鏡頭af-s dx尼克爾18-55mm f/3.5-5.6g vr ii,所覆蓋焦距範圍為18-55mm。. d3300是一款入門級機型,搭載2416萬有效畫素、配備無光學低通濾鏡的尼康dx格式cmos感測器,以及最新的expeed 4 影像處理器,實現高速處理和 尼康镜界 Vol.66 - nikon 本款镜头为搭配dx格式相机而设计,重量约235克、全长约64.5毫米的身形小巧轻量,安装于d7200或d5500等机型时很协调。最近对焦距离仅约0.163米,比起同焦距的其他镜头更适合靠近主被摄体进行拍摄。 最大放大倍率为1倍,令人乐享名副其实的微距摄影。 如何为佳能或尼康相机寻找兼容的镜头-howtoip.com在线科技杂志 如何为佳能或尼康相机寻找兼容的镜头. 发布于 2017-09-11; 阅读(815) 评论(0) 为相机购买镜头并不总是很简单。 佳能和尼康这两个主要的制造商都有不同的选择,这取决于你是否得到全画幅或作物传感器相机的镜头 。 即使你有一个佳能相机,你不能确定任何佳能镜头将工作。

使用手动对焦,[s] (快门优先自动) 或[m] (手动)拍摄模式,快门速度1/250 s或更快,其它设定为默认值。 d3300的主要特点 1. 具有2416万有效像素,搭载无光学低通滤镜的尼康dx格式cmos图像传感器和最新的图像处理器expeed 4,支持高感光度,图片品质出色

Explore DX and FX format image sensors & lenses to learn more about the basis for all Nikon DSLR camera designs! Nikon D3300 is a HDSLR camera with 24.2 MP, ISO 100-12800, 5 FPS adding artistic special effects or recording HD video with sound, the D3300 will bring with the included AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II lens, which has a 

Nikon Nikkor DX AF-P 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR Lens - Black ...

D3300 AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR II. 這款相機鏡頭套裝提供了常用的18-55mm焦距範圍(相等於35mm [135] 格式中的27mm – 82.5mm),滿足日常拍攝的各種要求。這款DX格式鏡頭經過全新設計,外形較上一代鏡頭更小巧輕盈,更可以完全伸縮,方便隨身攜帶。

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